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High CMRR Instrumentation Amplifier (Schematic and Layout) design for biomedical applications

Instrumentation amplifiers are intended to be used whenever acquisition of a useful signal is difficult. IA’s must have extremely high input impedances because source impedances may be high and/or unbalanced. bias and offset currents are low and relatively stable so that the source impedance need not be constant. Balanced differential inputs are provided so that the signal source may be referenced to any reasonable level independent of the IA output load reference. Common mode rejection, a measure of input balance, is very high so that noise pickup and ground drops, characteristic of remote sensor applications, are minimized.Care is taken to provide high, well characterized stability of critical parameters under varying conditions, such as changing temperatures and supply voltages. Finally, all components that are critical to the performance of the IA are internal to the device. The precision of an IA is provided at the expense of flexibility. By committing to the one specific task of ...

Duty cycle variation

Duty cycle variation: Similar to jitter in clock period, there can be variations in duty cycle of the clock source due to uncertainty in the relative timings of positive and negative edges. Duty cycle variation is always measured with respect to corresponding positive and negative edges. In other words, we can also say that duty cycle variation is the uncertainty in arrival of negative edge, given that positive edge has arrived at certain fixed point of time. Let us take an example. If we are given a clock with a period of 10 ns with ideal 50% duty cycle. Also, we are given that it has the clock has a duty cycle variation of +-5%. So, if we say that we saw positive edge of clock at 100 ns, we can expect to see negative edge of clock at any time between 14.5 ns and 15.5 ns. The timing waveform in figure 2 illustrates this. 

Similarly, if we know with certainty, the point of arrival of negative edge, there will be uncertainty in the time of arrival of positive edge of the clock.

Applying duty cycle variation: There may be specific command in STA tools to specify duty cycle variation of a clock. If that is available, you just need to specify duty cycle variation of the master clock source. And all the above discussed cases will be taken care automatically by the tool. If not, it can be applied with the help of SDC command "set_clock_uncertainty". For instance, to apply duty cycle variation for a clock named "clk" of 0.5 ns, we can apply following commands:
set_clock_uncertainty -rise_from clk -fall_to clk 0.5 -setup
set_clock_uncertainty -fall_from clk -rise_to clk 0.5 -setup
set_clock_uncertainty -rise_from clk -fall_to clk 0.5 -hold
set_clock_uncertainty -fall_from clk -rise_to clk 0.5 -hold 

Note that there are two commands that need to be applied as there are two categories of half cycle paths, rise-fall and fall-rise. 

Timing implication of duty cycle variation: The same way as clock period jitter impacts setup slack of full cycle timing paths; duty cycle variation plays a role in half cycle timing paths. That is why, duty cycle variation is also referred as half cycle jitter. Keeping in mind that there are a lot of cases available with divided and undivided clocks, we will discuss below how to apply duty cycle variation while calculating timing slack. We need to keep in mind that, simlar to full cycle jitter, duty cycle variation is the property of a clock source. With reference to duty cycle variation, there can be following categories of clocks.

  • Master clock
  • Even divided clocks from master clock with 50% duty cycle
  • Odd divided clocks from master clock with 50% duty cycle
  • Even divided clocks from inverted master clock with 50% duty cycle
  • Odd divided clocks from inverted master clock with 50% duty cycle
  • Non-50% divided clocks/arbitrary divided clocks

Corresponding to these clock categories, there will be multiple cases, some or all of which may be present in your design. And depending upon the scenario, you may need to apply clock uncertainty for that particular case. A simple rule of thumb is that we should apply uncertainty for that scenario wherein the timing path involves both rise and fall edges of master clock. Let us discuss all these one by one:

Intra-clock timing paths:

Duty cycle variation of master clock: For a master clock, there will be a duty cycle variation as specified by the specifications of the clock source. So, if there are half cycle timing paths being formed with respect to this clock, we need to apply clock uncertainty for rise->fall and fall->rise timing paths as suggested by figure below.

So, the commands that need to be applied are:
set_clock_uncertainty <duty_cycle_variation> -rise_from clk -fall_to clk (both for setup and hold)
set_clock_uncertainty <duty_cycle_variation> -fall_from clk -rise_to clk (both for setup and hold)
where <duty_cycle_variation> is the duty cycle variation of clock source.

Duty cycle variation of odd divided clock: A divided clock with odd division factor with respect to root clock will have its positive edges aligned with respect to positive edge of root clock; and negative edges aligned to negative edges of root clock. Figure below illustrates this. So, if we assume that the positive edge is fixed (and neglecting clock period jitter), we can say that its negative edges have an uncertainty which is equal to that of root clock.

So, we need to apply following commands for duty cycle variations of odd_div_clock:
set_clock_uncertainty <duty_cycle_variation> -rise_from odd_div_clk -fall_to odd_div_clk
set_clock_uncertainty <duty_cycle_variation> -fall_from odd_div_clk -rise_to odd_div_clk
Duty cycle variation of even 50% divided clock: A divided clock with even division factor with respect to root clock will have both its positive and negative edges aligned to positive edge of root clock. Figure below illustrates this. So, for all the intra-clock paths being formed at this clock, duty cycle variation does not apply. This is one of the reasons why emphasis is given to always have even divided clocks in your design.

Duty cycle variation of arbitrary divided clocks: From the basics we have developed so far, duty cycle variation will be applied to a divided clock if its adjacent edges involve both rising and falling edges of the master clock (as in odd divided clocks) and will not be applied if it involves either only positive or only negative edges of root clock.

Figure below shows an example wherein divide-by-2 clock is generated through clock gating cell.  It has a duty cycle of 25%. Here, we need to apply duty cycle variation even as the clock is even divided.

Similarly, if an odd divided clock involves only positive or only negative edges of root clock, duty cycle variation will not apply. Figure below shows an example wherein there is a divide-by-3 clock with 33% duty cycle. Here, we dont need to apply duty cycle variation even though the clock is odd divided.

Next read: Duty cycle variation of inter-clock timing paths
