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High CMRR Instrumentation Amplifier (Schematic and Layout) design for biomedical applications

Instrumentation amplifiers are intended to be used whenever acquisition of a useful signal is difficult. IA’s must have extremely high input impedances because source impedances may be high and/or unbalanced. bias and offset currents are low and relatively stable so that the source impedance need not be constant. Balanced differential inputs are provided so that the signal source may be referenced to any reasonable level independent of the IA output load reference. Common mode rejection, a measure of input balance, is very high so that noise pickup and ground drops, characteristic of remote sensor applications, are minimized.Care is taken to provide high, well characterized stability of critical parameters under varying conditions, such as changing temperatures and supply voltages. Finally, all components that are critical to the performance of the IA are internal to the device. The precision of an IA is provided at the expense of flexibility. By committing to the one specific task of ...

Super Universal Battery Charger Circuit Diagram

The Super Universal Battery Charger Circuit Diagram output voltage is adjustable and regulated, and has an adjustable constant-current charging circuit that makes it easy to use with most NiCad batteries. The charger can charge a single cell or a number of series-conoected cells up to a maximum of 18 V. 

Power transistors Ql and Q2 are conoected as series regulators to control the battery charger`s output voltage and charge-current rate. An LM317 adjustable voltage regulator supplies the drive signal to the bases of power transistors Ql and Q2. Potentiometer R9 sets the output-voltage level. A current-sampling resistor, R8 (a 0.1-!J, 5-W unit), is conoected between the negative output lead and circuit ground. For each amp of charging that flows through R8, a 100 mV output is developed across it. 

The voltage developed across RS is fed to one input of comparator U3. The other input of the comparator is connected to variable resistor RIO. As the charging voltage across the battery begins to drop, the current through RS decreases. Then the voltage feeding pin 5 of U3 decreases, and the comparator output follows, turning Q3 back off, which completes the signal`s circular path to regulate the battery`s charging current. The charging current can be set by adjusting RlO for the desired current. The circuit`s output voltage is set by R9. 

Super Universal Battery Charger Circuit Diagram

Super Universal Battery Charger Circuit Diagram
